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  Big Create 

​​Practicalities and prices 


Sunday 3rd November 1-4pm 


You book a place Click on the picture below  !   Just turn up with a cake to share and choose what you'd like to learn and join that table . Create runs for 3 hours so plenty of time to have a go at a couple of fun things.


To attend, drink tea, eat as much cake as you like , chat and  read creative magazines is £8 


To play creatively: You decide what you'd like to do on the day and you pay the table host, prices are usually around £15 or under.


Please click below to buy your tickets ....


We don’t have any products to show here right now.

We often feel we have no time to finish a project or try a new craft or even dedicate quality time to being creative.  We learn so much creating alongside others , whether it's learning from watching others, swapping skills or ideas or just feeling  inspired after a good conversation with a kindred spirit. 

This is where create comes into its own.


In a nutshell I hire a hall and ask creative friends to host tables and teach something creative-

from brush lettering, to stitching  to collaging a few cards.

The list of possible creative fun  keeps increasing ... watch this space 

 We are slowly adding to the list of creativeness available  to play with on the day . We  can now add needle felting and macrame to the brush lettering , watercolour , collage and stitching classes ...  A Sample of the stitching available is below :



And the list keeps growing ! 

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